Saturday, October 23, 2004

A wedding for one of my closest friends.
He is always the fast one, always the first to get things done.
I talked to him just before we got in engineering. It was a course for students who haven’t been in NZ for more than 6 years.

It wasn’t till year 2000, semester 1, week 1 I remembered that I got to know him. He came up to me in the engineering library level 2, and we started chatting.

We both had stories and experiences which we shared. I could remember the day before the Software Design 1E progress check, he helped me out to get up to speed. We then went to Planet Hollywood for a drink, and spoke about Macy Gray and music. He would come over to my place for drink and nibbles from time to time.

And we became project partners in year 4. I have come up with plenty of ideas and not a single result. It was July.

He came up with the first breakthrough result, and we took off. About time we started getting result since the project is due in September. And always motivated to get things done when he put his mind to it.

2 years has gone past. He now has a soul mate, with a house. Soon, it will be a family. Yet with me, stuck at the same place, unchanged at all.

I applaud you Kyusik. May the rest of your life begin today and flourish tomorrow. For the new life has just begun, two (with more to come) bonded with love, commitment, sharing, forgiving and everything.
There will be joy and sorrow.
There will be hardship and success.
There will be downs and ups.
But you will not be alone, for there is another part of you to share.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

"You make me want to be a better man."

最近的心情起伏蠻大的, 但再一位好友的開導下, 調整了心態之後,便的好多了.

He also made an interesting observation, that I have not been emotionally committing. Which is somewhat true, that I have not been really putting much effort and attention into girls.

It is also true to some other things, like work ethics. Back to basics, back to fundamental.

Doing the little things right, and doing the right things. Being focused with tasks on hand, and NO PROCRASTINATION.

Of course with change, the hardest part is keeping it.

I am going to commit myself emotionally in what I do, who I meet, and those I like and love.

"You make me want to be a better man."
Melvin (Jack Nicholson), As Good As It Gets.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

"The weekend has landed.
All that exist now is clubs, drugs, pubs and parties. I've 48 hours off from the world, man. I'm gonna blow steam out of my head like a screaming kettle."

Human Traffic, 1999

勞力付出, 精神收穫
Is this as good as it gets?
